Southern Cross Campus Southern Cross Campus

Level 2 Mathematics and Statistics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms Kumar.

Recommended Prior Learning

Students must have attained 10 credits in Level 1 Mathematics.

Level 2 Mathematics explores Algebraic methods, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry, Calculus Methods and Graphical Models in solving problems, Systems of Equations, and Probability methods. This leads to Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus or Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics. The course comprises of Internal and External standards.

Course Overview

Semester 1
In Semester 1 the following standards will be taught and assessed. These will be mostly Internals to set the basis for the externals.

AS91256 2.1 Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems 2 credits Internal
AS91259 2.4 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems 3 credits Internal
AS91258 2.3 Apply sequences and series in solving problems 2 credits Internal
AS91260 2.5 Apply network methods in solving problems 2 credits Internal

Semester 2
In Semester 2 the focus will be mainly on Externals and students will be required to sit for Mock Exams as well. The following standards will be taught in Semester 2:

AS91264 2.9 Use statistical methods to make an inference 4 credits Internal
AS91261 2.6 Apply algebraic methods in solving problems 4 credits External
AS91262 2.7 Apply calculus methods in solving problems 5 credits External
AS91267 2.12 Apply probability methods in solving problems 4 credits External
AS91269 2.14 Apply systems of equations in solving problems 2 credits Internal

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures

Level 3 Calculus, Level 3 Mathematics, Level 3 Statistics

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Maths Exercise Book
Graphics Calculator FX 9750


Any information, costs or standards may change.