Southern Cross Campus Southern Cross Campus

Year 9 Dance and Drama

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

In this class you will learn the foundational movements and techniques of a few selected dance forms.  You will also gain understanding regarding the dance elements and a few basic choreographic techniques and skills.

You will have opportunity to perform in front of a live audience and develop performance skills, as well as work in groups on choreography and ensemble dances.

You will also learn the drama elements and how to effectively use these elements. You will have the opportunity to work in groups to create devised drama pieces as well as perform dramas in front of a live audience.  

Learning Areas:

Dance and Drama

Assessment Policy & Procedures

Year 10 Dance, Year 10 Drama

You can choose to continue developing your skills in dance and/or drama by selecting one or both of these classes in year 10.

Career Pathways

Counsellor, Minister of Religion, Musician, Systems Administrator, Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Author, Dancer, Entertainer, Film/Television Camera Operator, Make-up Artist, Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Radio Presenter, Early Childhood Teacher, Media Producer, Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Horse Trainer, Model, Nanny/Child Carer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Television Presenter

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

PE/Sports Uniform
60 pocket clear file
Refill Paper
Colored Pencils


Any information, costs or standards may change.