Southern Cross Campus Southern Cross Campus

Level 2 English 200

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning

100English . At least 14 credits at NCEA Level 1 English including passing at least one external exam.

This course is comprised of internal achievement standards plus external standards.  This is a full year course.  This course is designed to enable students to attain Level 2 Literacy (5 reading and 5 writing credits) and will contribute to NCEA Level 2 Qualification.  Students will be assessed on their ability to understand meaning in written and visual/oral texts as well as their ability to create their own meaning.  Students will also seek feedback to make changes to their own writing to make improve clarity, meaning and effect.  Literacy in English gives students access to the understanding, knowledge and skills they need to participate fully in the social, cultural, political, and economic life of New Zealand and the wider world.

Course Overview

Semester 1
Students spend most of the first semester completing work for internal assessment. They start the year by studying a film. They will then complete some writing based around the film and then complete a research assignment based on a chosen topic.

Semester 2
The second half of the year the focus is on building the skills towards sitting the external exam at the end of the year. Students will study a written text which will be used for the external exam at the end of the year. Students will also deliver an oral presentation.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Policy & Procedures

Level 3 English 301, Level 3 English 300

Within this course students are able to achieve their UE literacy requirements . The course provides the foundation to move into the Level 3 University approved course in the following year.

Career Pathways

Signmaker, Television Presenter, Journalist, Communications Professional, Musician, Technical Writer, Editor, Copywriter, Business Analyst, Media Producer, Author, Insurance Adviser

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Ring-Binder/20pocket Clear File/2B8 Exercise Book/Refill/Pens


Any information, costs or standards may change.