Building a Pathway


A Vocational Pathway Award is a new way you can recognise achievement from your NCEA Level 2/3 results and support your
progression of learning towards a career. These pathways link your learning and achievement at school directly to career and job opportunities in the work place.

Vocational Pathways also enable employers to see where your strengths, abilities, interests and achievement lie and what
careers you are more suited to.

As a student you will be able to see your progress and map your pathway into a career, job or further training at a tertiary institute from your achievement at school.

This will help you plan your courses over a number of years to get the best result and to achieve your goals for the future.
The Vocational Pathways cover six broad industry sectors:

  1. Manufacturing and Technology
  2. Construction and Infrastructure
  3. Creative Industries
  4. Primary Industries
  5. Social and Community Services
  6. Services Industries.

To achieve the Vocational Pathways Award, a learner must:

  • Achieve NCEA Level 2 which includes literacy (10 credits) and numeracy (10 credits) at Level 1 or above, and achieve 60 x Level 2 credits from the Recommended Assessment Standards for a Vocational Pathways, including 20 x Level 2 credits from Sector-Related Standards for the same sector.
  • Credits from the Recommended Assessment Standards and Sector-Related Standards must come from the same Vocational Pathway eg Primary Industries. A learner can achieve more than one Vocational Pathways Award if they complete more than one Vocational Pathway. The Vocational Pathways Award(s) will be awarded to students on their NZQA Record of Achievement. This will be a real advantage when they look for work and training opportunities in the sector.
  • You will see in the Course Information section that all courses are linked to at least one vocational pathway. This is to help you link what your choice of subjects to your career pathway. Students studying NCEA Level 2 in 2017 your subjects have been grouped into programmes of study which should align with each other and a vocational pathway.